Friday, July 22, 2011

SBR Racebook

SBR Racebook
The MAXIMUM which can be won on any RACE is 2000 SBR Points. This includes all bet types on a single race. The system will not correctly settle a series of wagers which combine to more than 2000 Points, so please do not attempt to circumvent the win limit with multiple bet types on the same race.
Every race will pay track odds. There will be no maximum stake, however; the maximum which can be netted per race per track is 2000 SBR Points. If you attempt to circumvent this, your balance may not be updated correctly. Only your first wager per race in which you stood to win 2000 points will count. Subsequent wagers that net 2000 points will be voided, please honor the net 2000 points per race payout cap.
Wagers that are past posted will be voided across the board. You are able to bet several tracks hours before post, and once a race is 90 minutes out it is even listed under 'upcoming races'. Please do not wait to the last minute to get a bet down, there is a chance your wager will be accepted after the post time begins and we cannot honor these wagers regardless of if they're wins, losses, scratches, or draws. All of these wagers will be refunded.

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