Saturday, July 23, 2011

Latest sports betting news

Man Dies After Winning Paraguayan Lottery: (2009-04-17)
by Hillary LaClair, Senior Editor April 17, 2009 73 year-old Perseverando Peralto Valdez became the real version Alanis Morissette’s song “Ironic” this week, having suffered a heart attack after hearing that he won what amounts to $436 in a sports betting pool in Paraguay. &n...[more]

A little about us:

There are a heck of a lot of sports gaming sites out there. And let's face it, the internet's full of just as many bandits as pioneers. So how do you protect yourself and your investment? You ask for references. That's what we're here for. While we don't want to keep you from your fair share of the gold claim, we do want to give you good advice on how to steer clear of the desperadoes. Which is to say, we don't want to limit your choices, but we do want to show you the online sportsbooks that we and a lot of others have had good experiences with. We'll also let you know about the online sportsbook scams and how to keep clear of them.

So in our humble opinion, there really are only a handful of good online sportsbooks out there. Most of these sites have been in business for over a decade, and all of them at least five years. In that time they've established a respectable reputation of timely payouts, fair play, and good service. These sites are solid, and we'll stake our reputation on it.

Above are some quick details on what we consider the top six online sportsbooks. If you're looking for the full list of our recommended sportsbooks, visit the Online Sportsbook Directory page. From there you can compare bonuses and incentives, and navigate to reviews on all of them. The reviews will give you every bit of company information you could ever need, as well as thorough, in-depth, and objective opinions based on our own betting experiences with these sportsbooks. And if there's anything you're looking for you don't find here, let us know, we're always looking for ways to improve

To view the list of all Sports Intensity Recommended Online Sportsbooks, click here

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